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Untuk memeriahkan perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-124, PT Bio Farma (Persero) menyelenggarakan berbagai kegiatan. Selain pemilihan Duta Muda Vaksin, Bio Farma juga menggelar lomba penulisan dan foto. Head of Coporate Communications Department PT Bio Farma N Nurlaela mengatakan, peserta pemilihan Duta Muda Vaksin merupakan siwa SMA/SMK sederajat dari 10 kota/kabupaten di Jawa Barat. Setelah melalui serangkaian proses, terpilih 10 finalis. Ke-10 kota/kabupaten yang menggelar roadshow Duta Muda Vaksin antara lain, Kota/Kabupaten Bandung, Cimahi, Kuningan, Kota/Kabupaten Cirebon, Depok, Bogor, Cianjur, dan Garut. Sepuluh kota/kabupaten itu dipilih berdasarkan data cakupan imunisasi yang rendah dari Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) Jabar. “Pemilihan Duta Muda Vaksin kali ini berbeda dari tahun sebelumnya. Peserta yang mengikuti lomba tak hanya dari sekolah yang kami kunjungi, tapi siapapun yang ikut serta bisa mengirimkan video rekaman presentasi dengan tema yang telah ditentukan dan dikirim ke media sosial Youtube dan twitter @biofarmaID,” kata Nurlaela. Menurut dia, pemilihan Duta Muda Vaksin diharapkan bisa memberikan sosialisasi mengenai vaksin dan imunisasi kepada generasi muda, juga meningkatkan minat para siswa untuk bekerja di dunia science dan bioteknologi. Pencarian Duta Muda Vaksin ini dilaksanakan, ujar dia, karena perlu meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya imunisasi di kalangan generasi muda sehingga mereka akan lebih peduli lagi terhadap penyakit yang dapat dicegah. “Selain itu, juga mendukung program pemerintah dalam meningkatkan cakupan imunisasi dalam mencapai Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) ke-4 dengan focus menekan angka kematian bayi dan balita melalui program imunisasi,” uajr dia. Nurlaela menurutkan, Duta Muda Vaksin yang terpilih diharapkan dapat menjadi agen penyebar informasi positif tentang vaksin dan imunisasi kepada masyarakat di lingkungan masing-masing. Mereka juga akan menjadi perwakilan PT Bio Farma dalam menyampaikan pentingnya pemberian imunisasi kepada masyarakat. Setiap kandidat, tutur Nurlaela, Duta Muda Vaksin yang terpilih harus dapat menuangkan pengetahuan dan wawasan mereka dalam bentuk karya tulis, lalu mempresentasikan kepada dewan juri. “Duta muda vaksin yang paling kreatif dalam mengkomunikasikan pentingnya imunisasi akan mendapatkan penghargaan berupa beasiswa dari Bio Farma,” tutur Nurlaela. Sebelum final, ungkap dia, para calon Duta Muda Vaksin diberikan pelatihan. Tak hanya soal pengetahuan vaksin secara umum dan khusus, melainkan juga teknik menulis tentang kesehatan secara popular. Pemateri pelatihan ini didatangkan dari jurnalis media nasional KORAN SINDO. “Kami menginginkan semua peserta memiliki nilai plus dalam hal menulis. Meskipun pada dasarnya kemampuan menulis mereka sudah ada tapi kami bekerja sama dengan media nasional ini supaya ilmu yang mereka dapat lebih matang. Selain memeroleh penghargaan dan hadiah, tulisan pemenang 1, 2, dan 3 nanti akan dimuat di KORAN SINDO,” ungkap dia. Pemilihan Duta Muda Vaksin ini telah dilaksanakan selama dua tahun, 2013 dan 2014. “Tugas Duta Muda Vaksin ini adalah menjadi kader andal di masing-masing daerah dalam mengampanyekan pentingnya vaksin bagi masyarakat. Tak hanya itu, mereka juga akan kami ajak dalam setiap acara pengukuhan vaksin dan menjadi garda terdepan dalam mensosialisasikan pengetahuan soal vaksin,” kata Nurlaela. Dari serangkaian proses, pemilihan, audisi, dan final dewan juri pakar vaksin Julitasari Sundoro; Kepala Divisi Corporate Secretary PT Bio Farma Rahman Roestan; Kepala Divisi Surveillance dan Uji Klinis PT Bio Farma Novilia, dan Redaktur Pelaksana KORAN SINDO Hanna Farhana Fauzie, akhirnya memilih tiga Duta Muda Vaksin, juara satu diraih Sylfia Fahrani siswa SMA N 1 Ciawi, Bogor; juara dua Rahma Nurita (SMAN 2 Cimahi); dan juara tiga Nur Aliya L.A (SMAN 1 Cililin). Pakar vaksin Julitasari Sundoro mengemukakan, ketiga Duta Muda Vaksin tersebut didorong berkontribusi dalam sosialisasi soal vaksin di daerah-daerah. Ini menjadi penting karena ketiga duta tersebut memiliki keterampilan dan skill mumpuni. “Mereka sangat cerdas dalam pemaparan dan menanyangkan slide paparan dengan bagus. Mereka bisa melihat sesuatu yang sederhana dengan skala pandang yang luas. Ini sebuah nilai tambah. Mereka diharpkan tidak hanya memberikan edukasi kepada teman sebaya saja, melainkan bisa berkontribusi lebih di sekolah-sekolah, orang tua, guru, dan lingkungan sekitar,” kata Julitasari. Kriteria yang menjadi tolak ukur penilaian, ungkap dia, juri melihat empat aspek. Pertama, profil peserta percayaan diri, dan attitude atau sikap saat presentasi. Kedua, ide atau gagasan yang mereka presentasikan. Ketiga aspek substansi sampai sejauh mana pengusaan mereka terhadap materi presentasi diri dan kemampuan menjawab pertanyaan juri. Keempat, aspek komunikasi dna kemampuan menulis. Tak hanya memilih Duta Muda Vaksin PT Bio Farma juga menggelar lomba penulisan artikel dan foto terbaik bertema “Vaksin”. Kegiatan ini diikuti 39 media regional dan nasional. Pemenang penulisan artikel antara lain juara satu Zaid Wahyudi (Kompas), Iis Zatnika (Media Indonesia), dan Yanto Rachmat (Bisnis Indonesia). Sedangkan karya foto terbaik, juara satu Dei Denaswara (Tribun Jabar) dan juara dua Irfan Al-Faritsi (KORAN SINDO). Agar rekam jejak hasil tulisan dan foto wartawan hasil lomba terdokumentasi dengan baik, Bio Farma juga menerbitkan 1 buku berjudul “Jurnalis icara Vaksin, Menjaga Peradaban dengan Vaksin”. Para pemenang dikukuhkan dalam acara Family Gathering Bio Family 2014 di Gedung Sasana Buday Ganesha (Sabuga), Jalan Tamansari. Acara itu yang sekaligus perayaan HUT ke-124 PT Bio Farma ini dimeriahkan hiburan band Ungu dan penyanyi dangdut Ike Nurjanah. Sumber : Koran Sindo, 12 Oktober 2014

To enliven the celebration of the 124 the Anniversary of PT Bio Farma (Company) held a variety of activities. In addition to the selection of Young Ambassador of Vaccines, Bio Farma also held a writing and photo contest. Head of Coporate Communications Department of PT Bio Farma N Nurlaela said, the participants of the selection of the Young Ambassador of Vaccine is the students of SMA / SMK equivalency from 10 cities / regencies in West Java. After passing through a series of process, the 10 finalists are chosen. All the 10 cities / regencies that held a roadshow of Young Ambassador Vaccine among others, the City / Regency of Bandung, Cimahi, Kuningan, City / Regency of  Cirebon, Depok, Bogor, Cianjur and Garut. The ten cities / regencies were selected based on the coverage data of low immunization from the Health Agency (Dinkes) of West Java. "Selection of Young Ambassador of Vaccine this time is different from the previous year. Participants who followed the contest are not only from the schools that we visited, but those who participate can submit a video tape presentation with a theme that has been determined and sent to the social media of Youtube and twitter @biofarmaID, "said Nurlaela. According to her, the selection of the Young Ambassador of Vaccine is expected to provide socialization regarding to vaccines and immunization to the young generation, as well as increase the interest of students to work in the world of science and biotechnology. The Search of Young Ambassador of vaccine is implemented, he said, because the need to increase awareness of the importance of immunization among the younger generation so that they will be more concerned again against the preventable diseases. "In addition, it also supports the government program to improve immunization coverage in achieving the 4 th Millennium Development Goals (MDG) focusing on  reducing the death rate of infants and under five children through immunization programs," he said. Nurlaela said, the Young Ambassadors of vaccine selected are expected to be the agent of positive information about vaccines and immunization to the public in their respective environments. They will also be representatives of PT Bio Farma in conveying the importance of immunization to the public. Each candidate, said Nurlaela, the Young Ambassadors of vaccine selected should be able to outline their knowledge and insights in the form of paper, and then presented to the jury. "The most creative Young Ambassador of vaccine in communicating the importance of immunization will be awarded in the form of a scholarship from Bio Farma," said Nurlaela. Before the final, he said, the candidates of the Young Ambassador of vaccine are given with training. The training is not only about the general knowledge and specific vaccines, but also the technique of writing about health popularly. These training presenters come from the national media journalists KORAN SINDO. "We want all participants have the plus value in terms of writing. Although basically their writing skills have been already existed but we are working with the national media in order that their knowledge can be more mature. In addition to acquiring awards and prizes, the writing works of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winner will be published in KORAN SINDO, "he said. The Selection of Young Ambassador of Vaccine has been conducted for two years, 2013 and 2014. "The Young Ambassador of Vaccine Duties are to be a reliable cadre in each region in campaigning for the importance of vaccines for the community. Not only that, they will also be invited in each vaccine inauguration and to be the forefront in sosializing the knowledge about the vaccine, "said Nurlaela. From a series of processes, selection, auditions, and the final, the jury of Vaccine expert Julitasari Sundoro; the Division Head of Corporate Secretary of PT Bio Farma Roestan Rahman; Head of the Division of Surveillance and Clinical Test of PT Bio Farma Novilia, and Managing Editor of KORAN SINDO Hanna Farhana Fauzie, eventually selecting three Young Ambassadors of Vaccine, the first winner is achieved by Sylfia Fahrani, students of SMA N 1 Ciawi, Bogor; the second winner is Rahma Nurita (SMAN 2 Cimahi); and the the third winner is Nur Aliya L.A (SMAN 1 Cililin). The vaccine experts, Sundoro Julitasari, argued, the three Young Ambassadors of Vaccine are encouraged to contribute in the socialization about vaccines in the regions. This is important because the three ambassadors have the vocations and qualified skill. "They are very smart in the exposure and displaying the exposure slide well. They can see something simple with a broad-scale perspective. This is an added value. They are expected not only to educate their peers, but also be able to contribute more in schools, parents, teachers, and the environment, "said Julitasari. Criteria that becoome the benchmark for assessment, he said, the jury saw four aspects. First, the confidence profile of participants, and attitude or demeanor during the presentation. Second, the idea or ideas they presented. Third, the substance aspect about the extent of their mastery to self-presentation material and the ability to answer the jury questions. Fourth, the communication aspect and writing skills. Not only choosing the Young Ambassador of Vaccine, PT Bio Farma also held a contest of writing articles and the best photo with the theme "Vaccine". This activity was followed by 39 regional and national media. The winners of writing contest the first is Zaid Wahyudi (Kompas), Iis Zatnika (Media Indonesia), and Yanto Rachmat (Bisnis Indonesia). While the best photowork, the first winner is Dei Denaswara (Tribun Jabar) and the runner up ia Irfan Al-Faritsi (KORAN SINDO). In order for the track record of the writings and photographs of the journalist, the contest results are well documented, Bio Farma has also published one book entitled "Jurnalis Bicara Vaksin, Menjaga Peradaban dengan Vaksin"”. The winners were confirmed in Family Gathering Bio Family 2014  in Gedung Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga), Jalan tamansari. The show that is at once a celebration of 124th anniversary of PT Bio Farma is enlivened by Ungu band and dangdut singer Ike Nurjanah. Source : Koran Sindo, October 12, 2014

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